Принтмедиа технологиялар колледжі директоры

техника ғылымдарының кандидаты

Ахметов Билалдин Алякбарович

Принтмедиа технологиялар колледжі директоры

техника ғылымдарының кандидаты

Ахметов Билалдин Алякбарович

Заголовок 1

International activities

Since 2013, the College of Print Media Technologies has been conducting international cooperation with educational institutions in Russia and several other countries. The cooperation is aimed at improving the quality of specialist training, strengthening and developing the technical base, as well as improving the qualifications of the teaching staff.

The relevance of international experience is determined by the need to harmoniously combine educational activities, within the framework of which basic knowledge, skills and skills are formed, with creative activities related to the development of students' individual inclinations, their cognitive activity, the ability to think independently, solve non-standard tasks.

Solving the complex task of creating and ensuring strong international relations of the college and carrying out activities aimed at strengthening the research, educational and cultural potential of the college, based on the strategic directions of a unified scientific policy.

In general, the international cooperation of the college is most effectively carried out with scientific and educational organizations of various countries - Russia, Belarus, Estonia, China, Germany, as well as the Czech Republic, Armenia and France. The College of Print Media Technologies acts as an international scientific and educational center integrating, developing and distributing advanced Western, Russian and Asian knowledge in the field of education, science and culture in Kazakhstan. The College of Print Media Technologies is a representative office of the Moscow Polytechnic University (formerly. Moscow State University of Printing named after I. Fedorov, 08.04.2015), where college graduates can continue their studies in 32 different specialties for free.

In April 2017, a joint Work Plan was developed with educational institutions of the near and far abroad from 04.12.2017 with an annual content update. According to the plan, students and teaching staff take part in professional competitions, contests according to WorldSkills standards, contests of methodological developments, scientific and practical conferences, seminars, exhibitions.

At the moment, a student tourism project is being developed to encourage active students. Representatives of the Student Council organized at the college are ready to take over the organization of outdoor activities for students coming to us. It is possible to accommodate students in the college dormitory for free. This is a great opportunity for students to see the world, see the most important sights with their own eyes and see many wonders of the world, which previously could only be read in books.

Students are the most active part of society, they are interested in everything, they are always in search of new sensations and impressions, they strive to learn as much as possible, travel to different countries, get acquainted with local residents, study their way of life. Students are always in search of new adventures and experiences, which is why they love tourism so much.

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