Принтмедиа технологиялар колледжі директоры

техника ғылымдарының кандидаты

Ахметов Билалдин Алякбарович

Принтмедиа технологиялар колледжі директоры

техника ғылымдарының кандидаты

Ахметов Билалдин Алякбарович

Заголовок 1


At a meeting of the pedagogical Council reviewed and approved
Protocol No. 64 of August 28, 2018

The leadership of the printmedia College of technology attaches great importance to creating the necessary conditions to ensure the personal development of each student and close cooperation of participants in the educational process.
       The printmedia College of technology (hereinafter referred to as the "educational institution") is a community of people with established rules for an open, positive, harmonious life and work based on mutual respect for each other.

The code of honor of students of an educational institution is determined by the following obligations:

1. compliance with the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2. respect for traditions based on respect for the honor and dignity of each member of the community;
3. High holding of the name of the APC student, one of the most prestigious educational institutions with many years and a rich history;
4. Be Active and loyal team members;
5. striving to form a spiritually rich and creatively thinking personality;
6. have specific basic knowledge and practical skills and skills necessary for the implementation of the acquired knowledge;
7. orientation to high moral values;
8. development of high motivation for educational activities;
9. inadmissibility of actions associated with violation of the rules and norms of behavior;
10. responsible attitude to the performance of their duties;
11. treat everyone with respect, regardless of the nationality they belong to and their religious beliefs;
12. to be a patriot of your homeland;
13.compliance with the internal regulations of college students.

Based on the following principles:

1. publicity, 
2. availability, 
3. sequence, 
4. objectivity,
5. patriotic, 
6.responsibility of each member of the team.
Compliance by all students with the code of Honor is a necessary condition for successful study and creating a favorable and creative atmosphere in college.

Students must:

* Respect for each other and teachers; 
* Follow the instructions of teachers and administration; 
* Careful attitude to the property;
* Come to college in the prescribed dress code; 
* Interfere with activities that endanger others; 
* Maintain discipline in classes and beyond.


* Be late for class or stay for no reason,
* Smoking on the territory of the college,
* Use of alcoholic beverages or narcotic substances,
• Chewing gum,
* Carry objects that pose a danger to others 
* Use non-normative vocabulary,
* Demolition of college property is prohibited.

Students are entitled to:

* Creation of working and creative teams that work to improve the image of the educational institution,
* Participation in all events held in educational institutions, as well as participation as an organizer,
* Make proposals on the organization of students ' leisure.
Each member of the staff of an educational institution is obliged to require students to comply with the code of Honor.

Measures of influence on students:

1. verbal warning.
2.conversation with a student.
3.discussion of behavior with the curator.
4.invite parents.
5. expulsion