Принтмедиа технологиялар колледжі директоры

техника ғылымдарының кандидаты

Ахметов Билалдин Алякбарович

Принтмедиа технологиялар колледжі директоры

техника ғылымдарының кандидаты

Ахметов Билалдин Алякбарович

Заголовок 1

Жұмыспен қамтамасыз ету

   One of the most significant results used to evaluate the effectiveness of the college and the functioning of the feedback system is the employment of graduates. The college administration takes the issues of graduate employment very seriously. The employment of graduates is preceded by pre-employment, which involves the dissemination of information among potential employers about the graduation of specialists. Graduates take part in city job fairs organized on the initiative of NCE "Atameken", Akimat and city administration of employment and social programs.

   The college administration has concluded agreements on professional internship in organizations where their employment is expected. Work is underway with the employment centers of the districts.  Department heads monitor the employment process based on the availability of certificates from the place of work. More than 84% of graduates are employed in their specialty within a year after graduation. Some of them receive job invitations already during the internship, having demonstrated deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Many students continue their studies at universities in their specialty.